Don Luis de Gongora y Argote
born in Cordoba July 11, 1561. Will be the first born of the marriage union of Don Francisco de Argote and Dona Leonor de Góngora, parents of three children: Dona Francisca de Argote, María Ponce de León and Juan de Gongora y Argote. No wonder the discrepancy in surnames is because, in the sixteenth century, there was no canonical current peer.
Don Francisco de Argote, parent of the future poet, was relegated to the rich heritage of primogeniture, as the son of a father's second marriage. In vain did the litigation in which it was caught by the partition of property, while still a child, against his brother Don Alonso de Argote.
Don Francisco was poor getting only a modest food concession contrasted sharply with an amazing spiritual wealth. Gongora's father had graduated at Salamanca, a claim that housed for his firstborn, and was a great scholar, possessor of a large library which he valued at more than five hundred ducats.
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Biography Biography
Paco Ibáñez. At the Paris Olympia. 1969. "Leave me in peace, love tyrant
Ciego point and wise, Deciduous god, and rapacious, Blindfolded I've sold, and adult child, For the soul of your mother -Who died, being immortal, envious of my lady , Do not chase me more. Leave me alone, Love tyrant Leave me alone.
Suffice wasted time I've followed my despite Your restless flags, Outlaw captain. Forgive, Love, here, Well I forgive you beyond Four coats of patience, Ten lead in love. Leave me alone, Love tyrant Leave me alone.
Amadores unhappy militia who follow such Tell me, what good guide Podéis de un ciego sacar? De un pájaro ¿qué firmeza? ¿Qué esperanza de un rapaz? ¿Qué galardón de un desnudo? De un tirano, ¿qué piedad? Déjame en paz, Amor tirano, Déjame en paz.
Diez años desperdicié, Los mejores de mi edad, In Love being a tiller of At the cost of my fortune. As plowed and planted, picked, Are an altered sea I planted a barren sand, I took shame and desire. Leave me alone, Love tyrant Leave me alone.
A tower fabricated the wind in the rarity, That of Nimrod, And as confusion. Gloria called off, A prison freedom, sweet honey bitter aloes, beginning to end, good and evil. Leave me alone, Love tyrant Leave me alone.
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