Water, Rivers and People. Exhibition in Seville.
The exhibition Water, Rivers and People, a photographic tribute to those who fight to defend the river and access to potable water as a human right, is located in the Plaza Triumph and the Casa de la Provincia (Sevilla) from the March 17 until April 14 .
The exhibition features the human profile of water conflicts in the world. Photographs and texts internationally recognized author, combine to bring attention to people and communities affected by public policies and projects that ignore or disregard the environmental and social impacts on vulnerable populations.
is about communicating the experience and point of view of those affected generally ignored and invisible. The exhibition also successful and inspiring examples of citizen mobilization.
The exhibition revolves around six main themes: Population Displacement of Large Dams, Human Rights, Violence, Water, Disaster "no natural "Aquatic Ecosystem Degradation and Hunger, Privatization and the Human Right to Drinking Water and Victoria and Alternative Success, through de 16 estudios de caso emblemáticos .
La exposición está dirigida por el economista Pedro Arrojo, premio Goldman de Medio Ambiente, y comisariada por Tove Heiskel. Colaboran la Junta de Andalucía, la Diputación, el Consorcio Provincial de Aguas de Sevilla, Emasesa y la Asociación Española de Operadores Públicos. La exposición desarrollará a la vez, una agenda ciudadana, organizada por los movimientos sociales, sindicatos, asociaciones, educadores y expertos vinculados a la materia. El futuro y las estrategias de gestión Water for the XXI century will be discussed in lectures, panel discussions, lectures, film forums and experiential activities. For more information on the public agenda, see the website of EAPO: http://www.aeopas.org/
water disasters
degradation of ecosystems and hunger
Privatization human right to drinking water
sheets for teachers
develop life activities to do in the classroom before or after exposure:
6_Victorias and Solutions
activities during the exhibition in Zaragoza on all axes
page Water Rivers and People ...
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