What Causes of the wind of freedom, from Morocco to Bahrain, via Tunisia, Libya and Egypt, blowing over the Arab world? Reasons why these simultaneous yearning for democracy are expressed now? To these two questions, responses are diverse: historical, political , economic climate and social.
Since the end of World War the implosion of the Ottoman Empire, the interest of Western powers in the Arab world (Middle East and North Africa) has had two major incentives:
-controlled oil and ensure a Jewish national home. After the Second World War and the universal trauma of the Holocaust, the creation of the State of Israel, in 1948, had its counterpart came to power in several Arab states freed from colonialism, Zionist forces (as opposed to the existence of Israel ): type "military nationalist" in Egypt and Yemen, or character "Arab socialist" in Iraq, Syria, Libya and Algeria.
lost three wars against Israel (1956, 1967 and 1973) led to Egypt and Jordan signed peace treaties with the Jewish state and alignment with United States-controlled and under Cold War-all the oil kingdoms of the Arabian Peninsula as well as Lebanon, Tunisia and Morocco. Thus, Washington and its Western allies kept their two main objectives: control of oil and the security of Israel. In return, they protected the permanence of vicious tyrants (Hassan II, General Mubarak General Ben Ali, the Saudi king Faisal, Fahd and Abdullah, etc.) and sacrificed any democratic aspirations of societies.
2. Policy.
States in alleged "Arab socialism" (Iraq, Syria, Libya and Algeria), under the convenient pretext of "anti-imperialist struggle" and "communist fighter," also established one-party dictatorships, ruled with an iron fist anthology by despots (Saddam Hussein, Al Assad father and son, and Muammar al-Gaddafi, the most insane of them.)
guaranteeing Dictatorships, moreover, the supply of hydrocarbons from Western powers and that no actual threat to Israel (when Iraq seemed to do was destroyed). Thus, on the Arab citizens, dropped a slab of silence and terror. The waves of democratization taking place in the world. Disappeared in the 1970's, dictatorships in Portugal, Spain and Greece. In 1983, Turkey.
After the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, the Soviet Union collapsed and the "real socialism" in Eastern Europe. Latin American military dictatorships fell in 1990. Meanwhile, a few kilometers from the European Union, with the complicity of Western powers (including Spain), the Arab world remained autocratic state of glaciation. By not allowing any form of critical expression, the protest was located in the only venue not banned, the mosque. And about the only book not objectionable, the Koran. This was to strengthen the Islamists. The most reactionary was released by Saudi Arabia with strong support from Washington who saw in it an argument to support the Arab peoples in the "submission" (meaning of the word 'Islam').
But also emerged, especially after the "Islamic revolution" of 1979 in Iran, political Islam found in the verses of the Koran arguments to demand social justice and denounce corruption, nepotism and tyranny. Thus were born several more radical branches, ready to seize power by violence and holy war. "
This spawned Al Qaeda ... After the attacks of September 11, 2001, the Western powers, with the complicity of "friendly dictatorship", they added a new reason to keep under tight control in Arab societies: the fear of Islam. Instead of understanding that this was the consequence of the lack of freedom and the absence of social justice, added more injustice, more despotic, more repression ...
Several Arab states suffered the impact of global crisis started in 2008. Many workers in these countries, immigrants in Europe, lost their jobs.
To read the entire article. which is the publisher of Le Monde Diplomatique March ...
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